Hitachi Announces Storage Technology for Renewable Energy
Hitachi introduced their CrystEna product, a containerized 1 MW lithium-ion energy storage system, with testing planned in 2014 and commercial introduction in in 2015. Hitachi estimates the market for grid stabilization solutions will be 20 gigawatts by 2020, while estimating the potential market for their system at 7.5 gigawatts. Company is focused on grid stabilization and frequency regulation.
Honda Joins Vehicle-to-Grid Demonstration Project with University of Delaware and NRG Energy
Honda providing an Accord Plug-in Hybrid to jointly test and investigate the revenue opportunities for electric vehicle owners to provide grid stabilization services to the PJM Interconnection Regulation Market.
Energy Storage Company faces Reversal with Loss of GM Contract and Key Employees
Great Reporting @katiefehren “Not Invented Here” takes on a whole new meaning for investors in energy storage co. Envia
Ontario's Long Term Energy Plan to include Energy Storage
Ontario to Procure 50 MW of Energy Storage by end of 2014, includes storage in recently issued Long Term Energy Plan
ASD Automatic Storage Device awarded 2013 German Renewables award for Residential Storage System
ASD awarded 2013 German Renewables Award for Lithium-based 4.8 –19.2 kWh residential storage system:
Winaico Joins with Kolibri to Offer Residential Energy Storage Solution for Solar
Winaico, Tawain’s largest solar panel manufacturer, has joined with Kolibri Power Systems of Germany to introduce a 6 and 9 kWh residential energy storage system for PV, using Kolibri’s Lithium-based AlphaPolymer battery:
Energy Partners Introduces Panel Mounted Energy Storage
Energy Partners introduces Solar 24 - a panel-mounted energy storage system that delivers a steady amount of power over a 24 hour period, turning solar power into a steady state generation system, addressing the intermittency issue associated with renewables.
California Storage Applications Stalled
319 applications for 10 MW of solar storage stalled in California. The paradigm is trying to shift
California Discovery Science Center Levels Load with 500 kWh Battery
GE Energy Storage/Princeton Power:Cal. Discovery Sci. Ctr. Installs 500 kWh Battery to Save $ w/Load Shifting
2 MW Solar Integrated Storage Comes to Hawaii
Xtreme Power installing 2 MW, 500 kWh Storage for 12 MW Solar Plant in Hawaii