The North American Grid Tied Energy Storage Market Report provides business leaders in the energy storage market information and insights to inform their business, marketing and product strategies to win in the energy storage market.
The North American Grid Tied Energy Storage Market Report will be available December 8, 2013.
Table of Contents
1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose of the study
1.2 Ways to use and apply the information
1.3 Definition of grid scale
1.4 About the Author
2 Discussion
2.1 US Grid Reliability
2.2 Increasing Premium Placed on Grid Reliability
2.3 Grid Structure
2.4 Grid Priorities
2.5 Scale Economics
2.6 Cost
2.7 Supply = demand, Meter defines end of relationships
2.8 Public good – private capital
2.9 Economic Dispatch
2.10 How power plants make money
2.11 Peak Power
2.12 Emergence of demand side / higher prices in the 70’s
2.13 Deregulation
2.14 Unbundling of ancillary services
2.15 Introduction to control area frequency management
2.16 Emergence of intermittent resources
3 High Penetration Grid Experience
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Denmark – On ___, 2013, Denmark’s electric grid achieved
3.3 Germany -
3.4 Texas -
4 US Grid Storage Deployments
4.1 By ISO/RTO
4.2 Storage Technologies Deployed
4.3 Deployment Timeline
4.4 US Grid Storage Applications
5 Market Definition
5.1 Define markets, develop a product/market matrix, put relative economics at the interstices
5.2 Energy Storage Customers
5.3 Wind Developers / Investors
5.4 ISO’s/RTO’s
5.5 Regulated Utilities
5.6 Applications & Markets
5.7 Ancillary services for control area interties;
5.8 Grid stability for wind and solar resources;
5.9 Energy arbitrage for wind resources;
5.10 Deferring transmission & distribution expansion
6 Market Size & Forecast
6.1 Size of the market
6.2 Market drivers
6.3 Segmentation
6.4 Segmentation basis
6.5 Growth rate
6.6 Technical Requirements for Grid Stability and Regulation
7 Regulatory Status
7.1 Unbundling regulatory market price signals
8 Economics of energy storage
9 Industry Structure
10 Customers
A. Appendix A - Manufacturers
B. Appendix B - Technologies